Apex Helicopters provides aerial fire fighting, suppression and support services to private sector customers, state & federal agencies.

[Part 91, 137, 133, 135 Fire Fighting]
Apex Helicopters has diverse experience with call when needed (CWN) and exclusive use (EU) wildland fire contracts providing support for initial attack crews, project fires, helitack crews and rehabilitation work. Wildfire suppression and support requires our helicopters to be equipped and maintained above industry standard to best provide for our agency customers. Both types of aircraft we operate (Bell 206B-3 Jetranger & AS350B-3 Astar) are identically equipped. The AS350B-3 Astar is considered a “high Performance” Type 3 helicopter and is the most capable light helicopter available.
Apex Helicopters is currently contracted with and interagency carded on a call when needed basis (CWN) with the following wildland fire management agencies:
- Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF)
- Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
- Department of Interior (DOI)
- USDA Forest Service (USFS)
[Wildland Fire Suppression]
Apex Helicopters pilots are experienced and interagency carded to provide precision long line cargo and water bucket support for fire suppression missions including:
- 72 to 180 Gallon Bambi Water Buckets
- 50 to 250 foot Longlines with Remote Hooks
- Rehabilitation Projects
- Heli-Torch / Prescribed Burn Support
- PSD / Prescribed Burn Support
Cargo can be delivered to remote sites, helispots and spike camps utilizing belly hook or longlines up to 250 feet with remote hooks. Water buckets are attached to 50 to 150 foot longlines to support fire fighters on the ground.
Our experience in this field allows our customers to focus on their job and planning, never worrying about our ability to support their objectives.
[Wildland Fire Support]
Apex Helicopters also provides aviation support to private, state and federal agency firefighters and air operations teams with:
- Type I Air Attack Platforms
- Low Level Reconnaissance
- Helicopter Coordinator (HELCO)
- Aerial Fire Mapping
- Firefighter Crew Transfer / Shuttle
- Mountain Top Repeater Support
- Helitack Support
- Initial Attack
- PSD / Aerial Ignition Operations

• Apex Helicopters
• 2001 Airport Way
Florence, Oregon 97439
• PHONE : 541-997-3270
• WEB : www.ApexHeli.com
• EMAIL : Apex@ApexHeli.com
"Apex Helicopters continually provides our customers with effective aerial platform solutions.
Experienced crew, cost effective planning and efficient delivery of services ensures that your project will be completed safely & successfully."