Apex Helicopters specializes in production and precision external load operations utilizing vertical reference & long line techniques.

[Part 133 Production External Load Lifting]
Apex Helicopters pilots have over 15 years of production longline experience operating in the Christmas tree fields, fir bough blocks and log decks of Oregon and Washington.
[Production External Load]
With prior proper planning, an experienced pilot, ground crew and a helicopter can move thousands of pounds of product in a day. This use of a helicopter can exponentially increase our customer’s productivity and timeline with:
- Christmas Tree Harvest
- Fir Bough Harvest
- Steep Slope Tree Seedling Placement
- Fertilizer Application
- Seeding Application
- Hay Bale Bombing
- BAER Restoration
- Fence Building Material
- Remote Lodge / Ranch Support
- HydroSeeding / Mulching Application
[Christmas Tree Harvest]
Depending on the size of trees and distance to the landing, we are capable of harvesting upwards of 10,000 trees per day. This process greatly increases harvest productivity and reduces damage to the product assisting in providing the freshest Christmas tree possible to the customer. We take pride in our ability to sling trees productively as well as carefully so as not to damage the product.
[Fir Bough Harvest]
With the support of our aircraft, fir bough harvests are greatly increased and time reduced getting the bough slings to the landing for timely transport to the nurseries. Depending on the turn time and weather conditions, we are capable of flying up to 150,000 lbs of product per day.

[Part 133 Precision External Load Lifting]
When the road ends, our helicopters are capable of light lift work delivering your equipment, tools, products and materials with maximum efficiency. Precision vertical reference techniques can be utilized for load placement in urban and remote sites with longlines up to 250 feet in length. We realize the importance of consistently delivering efficient and safe longline flying to our customers. Our vertical reference pilots are seasoned professionals, highly experienced in planning, executing and trouble shooting external load lift jobs.
[Precision External Load Lifting Capabilities]
External load lifting capabilities are based on one hour of fuel at sea level on a standard day. Varying altitude and temperatures affect any aircraft’s ability to perform. To determine if our aircraft are a good fit for your job or project, please contact us to set up a consultation. Our helicopters are capable of lifting the following weights:
- Bell 206B-3 Jetranger: External: 800 lbs
- AS 350B-3 Astar: External: 2500 lbs
[Precision External Load]
With prior proper planning, an experienced pilot, ground crew and a helicopter can move thousands of pounds of supplies or equipment in a day. We are experienced in designing and submitting contingency plans as well as FAA approved congested area plans for each project if needed. This use of a helicopter can exponentially increase our customer’s productivity with:
- Construction Support
- Utility Power Line Support
- Natural Resource Rehabilitation
- HVAC & Rooftop Placement
- Rooftop Switch Outs
- Remote Worksite Supply
- Remote Lodge / Ranch Support
- Fence Building Support
- Trail Building Support
- Agency ERAD Support
- Remote Repeater Site Support
- Log Landing Support
- Wildland Fire Water Buckets
- Wildland Fire Cargo Support
[External Load Attaching Means]
External cargo can be carried by a helicopter with a variety of attaching means:
- External Cargo Basket
- Cargo Net for Soft Goods
- Cargo Boxes
- Super Sacks
- Slings & Straps
- Electric Remote Hooks
- 25 – 250 foot Longlines
- Keepered Swivel Hooks
- Grapple Hooks
- Barrel Slings
- Water Buckets
- Seeding Buckets
- Fertilizer Buckets
- HydroSeed & Mulching Buckets
- Hay Bale Bombing Rigs
- Seismic Bag Runners & Carousels

[Part 133 Fire Fighting]
Apex Helicopters has diverse experience with call when needed (CWN) and exclusive use (EU) wildland fire contracts providing support for initial attack crews, project fires, helitack crews and BAER rehabilitation work. Wildfire suppression and support requires our helicopters to be equipped and maintained above industry standard to best provide for our agency customers.
[Wildland Fire Suppression]
Apex Helicopters and pilots are contracted and interagency carded to provide precision long line external cargo and water bucket support for fire suppression and rehabilitation missions:
- Bambi Water Buckets
- Remote Hook Longlines
- BAER Rehabilitation Projects
- Heli-Torch / Prescribed Burn Support
- PSD / Prescribed Burn Support
Cargo can be delivered to remote sites and spike camps utilizing belly hook or longlines up to 250 feet with remote hooks. Water buckets are attached to 50 to 150 foot longlines to support fire fighters on the ground. Natural materials, straw, seed, mulch etc. can be delivered to fire and non-fire rehabilitation areas.
Our experience in this field allows our customers to focus on their job and planning, never worrying about our ability to support their objectives.

• Apex Helicopters
• 2001 Airport Way
Florence, Oregon 97439
• PHONE : 541-997-3270
• WEB : www.ApexHeli.com
• EMAIL : Apex@ApexHeli.com
"Apex Helicopters continually provides our customers with effective aerial platform solutions.
Experienced crew, cost effective planning and efficient delivery of services ensures that your project will be completed safely & successfully."